What Am I?
This is the poem I've created.
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This is the poem I've created.
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An ideal class to me is a class which is:
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Shawn witnessed the whole incident but he insisted that he did not.
As Though
Darius looked as though he has just taken a shower after the soccer match.
Even Though
Even though he knew he was going to be in hot soup, Marcus still continued with his rebellious act.
PS: Please call the hotline 1800-y-bother, or leave a comment.
PSS: Mr Koh, I don't know why you cannot comment, but I can.
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My favourite except would be the one titled Your Birth. It gives the targeted reader, in this case Sam, a sense of belonging to the home. As a parent, he tells his grandson how a child is loved and how difficult a childhood Sam's mother had been through. This excerpt is like a reflection of myself, my siblings and my parents. The white lies they will tell us, how it hurt to chide us and how inquisitive we were back then and still doing it now.
"Another chance for joy!" tells me that life is full of joys, just waiting to leap out in every turn. Every occasion can be joyful, it all depends on the way one looks at situations.
"This is what most parents want for their children: a lifetime of happiness and an easy passage." This shows the love that life brings. The happiness that most parents wants to pass down to their children, which is a masterpiece from their hard work.
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What do you understand about the school value "Expanding Our Learning Networks"?
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What do you understand about the school value "Forging Excellence"?
Forging excellence is to strive for the better.
What are the strengths that you think you possessed which can help you to achieve excellence?
I am determined and persevering so I will not give up easily. This helps in correcting my mistakes as practice makes perfect. I am also hardworking.
What other attributes and attitudes do you think you should cultivate to excel in the things you do?
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I feel that we lack teamwork and had poor communication at first. However, while we get more into the building. Although we quarrelled quite a bit in the process, we were happy with the end product. I've learnt that I like to give ideas and do the hands-on. In future, we will be more cooperative and not argue. I feel that this group creates too much noise by shouting to one another so we had to remind each other to keep our volume down.
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